Updates & Plans

UPDATE: 06.13.23. This past Sunday’s service was our first ever YouTube live stream. While mostly a test run, we were pleased with it, and plan to do so weekly going forward. The direct link is https://www.youtube.com/@truthpointchurch/streams. We will continue to simultaneously make Zoom available for those wishing to join this way.

Our sponsoring church, Lakeshore Bible Church in Tempe, AZ, is encouraging its members to visit us alternate Sundays, and are providing them with travel and lodging finances to do so. We greatly appreciate this generous gesture, and look forward to welcoming all who come. We’re thankful that Jerry and Velma Graham visited with us and attended this past Sunday.

We now have a church Facebook page. Click here to visit. We will be providing regular updates there, and encourage your comments, suggestions, and questions.

In our efforts to become more visible in our rental location, a new sign will be installed very soon. We will also be making an additional sandwich board to set out, and we will be installing vinyl lettering on our front window. Preliminary planning work is underway for a website. We have already purchased 2 domain names for our website.

Seeds are sown through conversations. An interesting incident took place this past Saturday evening while sitting outside our church facility. A man had stopped at the restaurant next door, and we casually greeted him as he walked by. He got in his truck, and was about to drive away, when we noticed him slowly backing up and looking us over. He rolled down his window and asked if we were a church. I walked up to him, and we conversed about what we were doing. He pulled out paper and pen and was about to take notes. I walked over to pick up a brochure we have prepared, and gave it to him. He indicated that he was a “recovering prodigal,” and had recently begun attending a church, but seemed intrigued by what we are doing. He said he would point some people our way, and just might show up himself some Sunday. You just never know what might come through a simple conversation.

Sunday Zoom connection information: direct link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86992287272?pwd=NkNDeHluTk8zRmpIMFJZM1V5RUdjdz09. Meeting ID – 869 9228 7272. Passcode – 190012.

Please continue to pray for this new work. We need wisdom as to how best to impact our community, and those who need to know and experience God’s grace through Christ.

Your financial support is a very real help, as well as a great encouragement to us. Online contributions can be made through Givelify (https://giv.li/r94b8f). Contributions can be sent directly to TruthPoint Bible Church, 806B N.Beeline Hwy, Payson, AZ 85541.

Written devotionals are provided on Mondays and Fridays, and a video devotional on Wednesdays. Additionally, a video sermon is shared each Sunday morning. Videos are available at https://www.youtube.com/@newdayhope/videos.

Please sign up here to automatically receive updates, or scan the following QR code with your smart phone. Also feel free to contact Pastor Steve at 480.242.9290 or pststevet@gmail.com.

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